Connecting the Dots: When Being Faithful Goes Wrong

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When Being Faithful Goes Wrong

I remember a few months back in the midst of a transition, I sat down with a mentor of mine. During this conversation, I expressed the overwhelm and slight fear I was feeling as I was seeking to expand my business, my platform and speaking career (common feeling to many who are branching out on their own).

After sharing my concerns and validating all the things I believed were preventing me from success, he asked me one question that shifted my entire perspective.

He said:

“You are always faithful to something. Tell me, what are you faithful to?”

This question made me stop and think. I soon realized that I wasn’t placing 100% faith in myself or my business.

Since that conversation many months back, I revisit this idea every week, asking myself,

“What have I been faithful to this week?”

You and I are always faithful to something, the problem is that the majority of us are faithful to something other than that which we’d like to see grow in our experience of life.

Check your faith…

Where Do You Place Your Faith?

As I look back through my life, I notice a wide variety of things to which I’ve been faithful. Some of these areas include struggling, limitation, bad relationships and jobs that sapped my creativity.

I look out across our communities and globe and recognize a connection. Many of us are faithful to this similar kind of suffering and poverty, so much so that the very thoughts we think reinforce this suffering moment after moment.

With these toxic thoughts continuing to flow through our consciousness, it becomes difficult to find a way out of this self-created trap we’ve constructed within. The result of this, we continue to experience suffering until our thoughts and faith shifts.

I’d like to ask you,

“Will the areas that you place your faith take you towards the greatest you?”

Put Actions Behind Your Faith

As you open your mind to this awareness, you’ll realize the vast amount of things you’re faithful to each day. You’ll start to see the numerous activities that fill your days but that don’t fully serve you.

This becomes your opportunity to shift your thoughts and feelings towards those things that do support the greatest you.

As you make this shift in mind, allow your actions to follow.

In order for us to begin the ascension towards our highest and best selves, we must put our faith to work in the areas that matter most; Our passions, gifts and unique abilities.

I invite you to spend time participating in mind and action on the areas you’d like to see grow in your life. Do this instead of focusing on all the reasons your goals or dreams won’t work.

As the popular verse from the bible says, “Faith without works is dead.”

Put your faith to work on the things that you’d like to create in your experience.

3 Keys of Faith

#1- Introspection – Identify the areas in your life where you place the most faith. These will be the things that are most prevalent in your daily life, typically your job, your circle of acquaintances, your weekly activities, your constant thoughts and the image you hold of yourself.

Do these areas wherein you place your faith empower you or bring you down?

#2 – The Shift – Spend a moment and reflect upon your experience. See the direction you’d like your life to go. Where would you like to be in one year? 5 years? Even 20 years? Let your mind see yourself in the highest light.

After a spending time on this, write down what you have to release and what things must take their place?

This reflection will help you identify the new areas in your life that need your faith. Follow your intuition and trust the quiet whisper calling out to you from within.

#3 – Putting Faith To Work – Don’t spend any more time on the things that you do not want to see grow and develop in your life. Use your faith, attention, energy and actions on the things you do want to see develop.

The Power of You

What a freeing realization it is when one opens their mind to the truth that they are helping to create their life through the use of their thoughts, choices and actions.

Be grateful. You are supported.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Connecting the Dots: When Being Faithful Goes Wrong
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