Gratitude Post 16: 3 Keys to Unshakable Gratitude

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3 Keys to Unshakable Gratitude

When I first began TKL, I wanted to spend one day each month expressing gratitude. I followed this trend for the first 15 months or so and then it slowly ended. It didn’t end because of lack of gratitude but due to switching the amount of blog posts each month.

Today, I’d like to rejuvenate these gratitude posts and share a few things that I believe we can all be thankful for despite what the outer world may be reflecting.

These ideas came from a recent speaking engagement I had here in Georgia. When I was organizing my speech I realized there are a handful of things we all can embrace, 3 things in particular that each person who’s walked this planet can be grateful for.

As we remind ourselves of these things we can rise above the stresses and frustrations found in our daily life.

I like to call these the building blocks to unshakable gratitude.

Shoulders of Giants

The 1st Key of this gratitude is recognizing that we all stand upon the shoulders of giants. If we were to look back in history with a mindful approach we’d see there are countless people whose lives were essential in the development of who we are today.

Our grandparents, great grandparents, great-great grandparents, going back all the way throughout time.

I’d like to encourage you to stop often and recognize the 10,000 generations whose whispers echo through your soul each day you awake. Regardless of your race or ethnicity, your ancestors were imperative in bringing about the person you are today.

Whether you realize it or not, you are shaping the future generations. Live thankfully and share your legacy.

Sacred Mother Earth

In order for our ancestors to exist, there must have been a planet for them to live on. The 2nd Key towards unshakable gratitude is recognizing the Sacred Mother Earth we all call home.

When you are moving through your day and things get hectic, when deadlines loom over you or people say something negative that digs deep into your mind, stop and remember the beauty of this planet.

While some may immediately point to all the ills swirling around our globe, I encourage you to look deeper and recognize the immaculate order that has occurred in the days of the past to provide such an abundant environment for human life to exist in.

Wherever you are in this moment, the Earth is spinning, streams and rivers are flowing, tides are shifting, wind is blowing and trees are growing.

Honoring this ever-present dance of divinity will help you become more deeply aware of the fact that you are able to exist because of this ongoing harmony that’s been occurring for billions of years.

The Ancient Sky

The 3rd Key to unshakable gratitude is opening our mind to that which assisted in the creation of this planet that all human life has called home, the Ancient Sky.

The earth was formed from gases, elements and minerals combining and intertwining in such a way that a planet began to form. With time, motion, and the accumulation of energy, our planet continued to shift and evolve for billions of years.

As Mother Earth continued to unfold, mountains forming, water flowing, lava spewing and land shifting during this massive expanse of time, the seeds of life on our planet were sprouting.

After billions of years, human life began to blossom out of the life that was here. You see our bodies are made up of the same gases, elements and minerals that fill the night sky.

Embracing this final Key of gratitude we start to realize the connection we share with our ancestors throughout our family history, we see our connection to the sacred earth, and realize that we are filled with the life that fills the stars.

Our connection is endless and by embracing this our gratitude is unbound.

The Next Step

There is one portion that I’ve left out of this equation, but it must be mentioned. That is Life, God, the One Power, the Infinite Energy, Intelligence, Source, that gives the ancient sky its ability to create. It is that which holds the planets in space and that which awakened each person throughout history.

Step towards the Oneness you share with all. Embrace these keys of gratitude and let thankfulness radiate from your spirit.

At the depths of it, you are Life expressing Itself.

Be Grateful.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Gratitude Post 16: 3 Keys to Unshakable Gratitude
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