Finding Our Inner Voice

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  • “You can’t do it.”
  • “Why even try?”
  •  “No one will listen.”
  • “Your expressions don’t matter.”
  • “Achieving your dreams is hopeless.”
  • “Your time has passed.”
  • “You’re an average person.”

When was the last time you listened to that limiting voice within?

When was the last time you let those limiting thoughts stop you in your tracks or keep you from moving forward into the direction of your dreams?

The Small Voice Within

I’ve been going to the same local coffee shop for a little over a year now. When I first discovered this “second office” 13 months ago, it was around the same time I first had the idea to possibly begin a blog and podcast.

Little did I know my biggest critic, the biggest hurdle I’d have to overcome, would be that little voice within.

Course Correction

Previous to launching Three Key Life, I was pursuing the field of real estate. I went into real estate with the dream of being a very successful real estate investor, but learned over the course of a year that real estate wasn’t something that brought me happiness. During that time I continued to write and explore unique ideas, but wasn’t willing to share them with many people.

I was constantly reading new blogs, listening to new podcasts, and following people who were pursuing their passions, making real money by adding real value to our world.

For months I continued to work in a profession I was losing interest in and beginning to dislike while simultaneously listening to people who were telling me to make a move.

I sat there frozen for almost 2 years.

I knew something had to change in my life, but I couldn’t move myself to make the shift. All my ideas were being shot down within myself before they could even exit my mind and have a chance at materializing.

I soon came to realize that I was the one who was sabotaging my life. My enemies weren’t negative people who surrounded me, the media, or the government.

The limiting voice within myself was my biggest enemy, killing my dreams before they could see the light of day. 

That realization made something click within.

Inner Voice: What is it?

What is this inner voice? I call this inner voice our subconscious.

Our subconscious will tell us things based upon the beliefs, decisions, thoughts, actions, and choices we’ve fed it and believe to be true. We all have a subconscious mind and we’re all feeding it each moment of each day.

Over time, many of us put our lives on auto-pilot and our subconscious takes over. This is what happened to me when I chose to remain stuck in a profession that I didn’t enjoy. I was scared to make a move to change my situation, so each day my mind was filled with things that kept me in the same position.

You see, I was feeding my mind, my subconscious these limiting, debilitating beliefs and they were actually becoming true; I was creating a “trap” that I couldn’t escape.  I was stuck until I made the conscious choice to take myself off of auto-pilot and begin directing this inner voice, my subconscious, to a place of empowerment.

Whose Voice is Speaking

In order to begin transforming that inner voice from limiting to empowering, I had to take time and discover what my true inner voice was.

I had to find that voice of Life that echoes through my soul, that can take me in the direction of my highest potential and unlock my greatest gifts.

A deeper reflection helped me realize that the negative inner voice was a projection of countless events throughout my life. It wasn’t just events, however, that shaped this inner critic’s voice. At times this negative inner critic would actually be the voice of people close to me who leaned toward doubt and limiting beliefs.

It seemed as though I could actually hear them telling me to remain in my comfort zone and work a job I didn’t like, instead of traveling towards my dreams and greatest potential.

Take some time today to find your true inner voice. One that is not ruled by the voice or outlooks of others, but one of hope and inspiration that reminds you just how great you are.

Appreciating and Honoring Our Inner Voice

Over the course of 12 months, it could have been sooner, I slowly transformed that limiting inner voice into one that could help propel me towards my dreams and goals. In the transformation of that inner voice, I launched Three Key Life and the More Than Money podcast and can truly feel my life getting better each day.

Here are 3 Key steps that you can take today to begin honoring and empowering your inner voice.

#1 – You must be aware of the inner voice that fills your being – If you don’t recognize the inner voice that is directing you right now then it will be difficult to transform that inner voice into one of empowerment. Listen closely and you will discover there is always something within, pulling you in one direction or another. Recognition, this is the first Key.

#2 – Directly and consciously empower your inner voice – Once you’ve recognized the inner voice within, you can begin to consciously empower it to assist you in the direction of your highest potential. You can begin to empower this inner voice by filling your subconscious with inspiring content like peaceful music, good people, and spending time connecting with the Life within (meditation & reflection).

#3 – Strengthen your true inner voice each day – You can strengthen your inner voice by trusting and following it. The more you recognize the empowering voice within, the more clear it will become and the more inspired you will be to live a life of peace and beauty.

Sad but True

The greatest book of all-time is probably sitting on the desk of someone who gave into this limiting inner voice. The greatest song has probably never been sung, but remains trapped in the mind of one who has become a prisoner to the limiting voice within. The greatest movie is probably a half-finished script on someone’s desktop who gave up and succumbed to the limiting voice of doubt and fear.

Don’t die with your music still in you. (Three Key Tweet)

Remember there are people out there in our world who are waiting for you to honor your gifts and live fully. Even if you impact just one person, you made a difference.

Don’t waste any more time waiting to begin moving toward your dreams. Start creating today.

If you’ve already created a life of your dreams then take some time and empower others to do the same. Teach them the lessons you’ve learned.


How have you empowered your inner critic and strengthened your inner voice?


Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit Three Key Life.

If you don’t know where to start, then begin with this statement below and build on it from there:

I believe in you.

Have a great day.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



photo credit: – AlicePopkorn – –
Finding Our Inner Voice
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