Uncovering Wisdom: 10 Inspired Minds

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10 Inspired Minds

As far back as I can remember I’ve always been intrigued and inspired by those people throughout history that I believed truly made a difference.

Some of those people are from scriptures, others are ancient philosophers, authors, inventors and business professionals who grasped a bigger vision of life.

The more I read about these people, especially the ones that overcame enormous difficulties (which is basically all of them), the more I think about my individual life and what “genius” qualities I possess.

I’m realizing as I learn more and more about these people, that they were all regular humans who chose to recognize and focus upon the cultivation of their extraordinary gifts.

It is my belief that we all have at least one extraordinary gift within us. Some people however, believe this much more than others.

10 Inspired Minds Who We Can Learn From

There have been many people who’ve influenced my journey of life thus far. But there are those select few who I’ve seemed to “tap-into,” recognizing the genius qualities that they were developing as well as the wisdom they were expressing to the masses.

Many of these people mentioned have truly shaped the way I go about my day, from the things I believe I can achieve, to recognizing the hidden talents that dwell within and witnessing how one person can begin a transformation in our world.

These are the 10 Inspired Minds which have helped unlock new worlds within myself and the wisdom that served as the Key:

#1 – Martin Luther King Jr. – “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” MLK Jr. has taught me the importance of equal rights and justice. He has shown us all how standing for true peace and love can outlive the life of even the greatest man.

What are you standing for?

#2 – Ralph Waldo Emerson – “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Emerson’s writings, wisdom and knowledge expose a universal truth that we all live with. His expression can help us all discover new realms within our consciousness.

What was one truth that opened a new world within your life?

#3 – The 4 (Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna) – Though different religions blossomed from these gifted minds, they all shared a common thread. That common thread is honoring, loving and remaining aware of and connected with Life (God, Enlightenment, Allah). Regardless of the religious path, I believe these Prophets’ legacies have taught us that Life connects us all, that we should honor Life and respect each other.

How do you honor and stay connected to Life?

#4 – Nikola Tesla –“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Tesla helped to invent the light bulb. His energy was derived from magnetic energy which caused the light to illuminate at no cost (link). Unfortunately, his idea was taken and introduced to the big energy businesses which still have a dominant role in our world.

Could we make energy without the big energy businesses?

#5 – Booker T. Washington – “I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.” Booker T. Washington proved to me that it doesn’t matter where you are from. He was born into slavery and didn’t let that limit his mind or life. He found a way to be an inspiring force amidst a dark time in the United States. His story proves that you can become that which you set your mind to.

Is there any area of your life where you could release hate and add love?

#6 – Albert Einstein – “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Einstein helped me recognize that one man with dedication, study and a belief in his abilities can do exceptional things in his life. Don’t follow the crowd. New lands await you.

Do you see life as a miracle? Why or why not?

#7 – Oprah Winfrey – “I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it.”  Oprah has proved that it doesn’t matter who you are, great things can happen to those who truly believe and do things from a place of peace and compassion. She has shown me that regardless of race, gender and the past, great things await those who work through a Higher Power and are courageous enough to pursue their dreams.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

#8 – Rumi – “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” Rumi’s words have withstood the test of time. When I read Rumi’s writings I discover a deep well of wisdom and a better way to go about my life. I invite you to begin to write your thoughts, you never know who may need those thoughts in the years to come.

What is a thought you would want the future generations to never forget? How can you share that message?

#9 – Socrates – “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” Socrates is credited for teaching Plato, who later taught Aristotle. His wisdom has had a big impact on our worldviews of today. His life has proved to me the importance of studying wisdom and dedicating yourself to the pursuit of truth.

How will the ideas you teach another today be used in the world of tomorrow?

#10 – The Forgotten – “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” There are countless people whose wisdom was lost throughout “his-story”. We cannot forget the Native Americans (link), the great Asian and Middle East civilizations as well as the great African Empires such as Egypt, Ghana, Sierra Leone, and the impact they had on religion, philosophy and our world. I have found that in most cases the knowledge and wisdom that is suppressed is the richest. That is why we all must seek truth (memorial day link)

Who is one person the history books lost who empowered your life?

Our Genius Power & Inspiration

Here are 3 ways that you can begin to share your extraordinary gifts with the world.

#1 – Fill your mind with inspiration daily – Read books, visit Three Key Life, surround yourself with good people, ideas and thoughts that bring you into greater areas of life.

#2 – Recognize that the Life within you is that which bestows your greatest gifts – Never forget, that which you are seeking, the person you would like to become, the dreams you’d like to achieve flow out from within yourself. You are already the person that you wish to be, simply bring those qualities from the inside out.

#3 – Begin to do the small things each day in a great way – Do all the things you do with a great love, remaining aware of and connected with the Life which forever empowers you.

Moment of Gratitude

Thank you for visiting Three Key Life.

Use these enlightened minds’ wisdom and knowledge to help you discover more of who and what you are.

Best Wishes.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ecstaticist/4478571068/ – ecstaticist – http://photopin.com – http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/”>cc</a>
Uncovering Wisdom: 10 Inspired Minds
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