Memorial Day Inspiration: Leaving Our Legacy

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Memorial Day Inspiration

This post is dedicated to all the men and women who lost their lives due to the tragic act of war, greed and power.

This post is for the countless individuals throughout history who were used, abused and at times persecuted and killed because of the color of their skin, their kindness, their spiritual beliefs and because of the resources that lied beneath the land they lived upon.

Our Path of Life

It is my hope that this post reminds each of us, individually, that our lives matter. Each choice, each action, each moment of our day.

These 3 Key’s below will help ensure that the memories you leave behind from this point forward in life are filled with peace, compassion and respect for all.

#1 – Seek Truth – We can’t believe everything we hear, read or watch, therefore, we should spend time in our lives seeking out truth. Do not depend on “his-story.” Look back into the past and discover wisdom that was cut off from the masses by the few.

Some things I would recommend to begin uncovering are things like,

  • Why is America (and other powerful countries) still involved in so many acts of war, literally destroying the lives of millions of people across the globe?
  • Why are women and those of color still treated unfairly in many areas of life. Things like equal pay, equal job opportunities, police profiling and quality of neighborhoods?
  • Who and what is the Federal Reserve Bank and how do they benefit from acts of war and terrorism?

A glimpse into the truth will open up new worlds. I have my own opinions about these things mentioned above. I invite you to begin uncovering the truth that so few are able to see.

#2 – Do Good – Being that this post falls on Memorial Day, it’s a great time to remind ourselves that each moment of each day we are creating a path for our lives, a path which we will be remembered by. Recognizing this, we can see how the good deeds that we commit to today, can create a lasting impact on our world tomorrow.

Spend time empowering others and fully embrace the oneness that we all share upon this planet. Spend your time doing good, both personally and professionally.

#3 – Create Change – When we begin to dive deeper into truth, realizing that what we’ve been taught isn’t always correct and combine that with doing good unto others and our world, we are able to see that we are the change that is needed.

Think about all the ways you would like the world to change.

Then ask yourself, how can I begin to embody that change in my individual life?

From there, move consciously through your day, realizing that you are the one who is essential in creating a transformation in your life and our world.

“Want peace? Then be peace.” (Three Key Tweet)

Moment of Gratitude

I am grateful for all those who came before us and I am grateful that we have the opportunity to direct our lives today.

I appreciate each and everyone of you. I say all that I say in this post from a place of deep respect.

I encourage you to continue in the pursuit of truth. Here are a few places to start:

My final thought for you is this,

“How would you like to be remembered?”

Share your comments below.

I wish you an amazing day.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Memorial Day Inspiration photo credit: – ¯`¤.TheSnake.¤´¯ – –
Memorial Day Inspiration: Leaving Our Legacy
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