Minute of Mindfulness: How To Stop Mismanaging Memories

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How To Stop Mismanaging Memories

What are the memories that have been dominating your mind?

Are they memories that bring inspiration or remind you of your flaws?

So much of our sadness, pain, and frustration is brought about due to the mismanagement of memories.

In my experience, mismanaging memories has kept me in a cyclical loop that was hard to escape. However, when we stop mismanaging memories and honor the good ones more than we do the negative, our inner world begins to transform.

In this Minute of Mindfulness, we’ll focus on a simple yet powerful way to stop mismanaging memories.

Minute of Mindfulness

The Power of Focus

In this moment of now, you are creating your memories for the future.

Be willing to make them the best they can be by being here now.

Peace. Happiness. Compassion. Respect.

Jeffon Seely

Minute of Mindfulness: How To Stop Mismanaging Memories
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