The Power of Focus: 3 Keys To Focus Your Attention On The Positive

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The Power of Focus

Why doesn’t this work?

Why don’t they give me a chance?

What do they have that I don’t?

These were the thoughts that raced through my mind one year ago as I began my speaking career. I finished a phenomenal speech a few weeks previous, and I thought that gigs would flow across my desk in no time.

I quickly found out that before that could happen I had to reach deep within myself and find the confidence necessary to even contact potential places to speak. Once this confidence was found, 5 months later, I picked up the phone and started making calls.

I called for a few weeks and it seemed hopeless. I looked at what others were doing in their speaking business and thought I didn’t have what it took.

My hopeful speaking career faltered before it could even take off. My focus centered on all the reasons it wouldn’t work for me, the things others had that I didn’t and my lack of experience.

It seemed the more I focused on these stumbling blocks the more I struggled. After 5 months of being focused on all the things seemed stacked up against me, something changed.

Slowly, I began to see all the reasons it was possible.

Gradually, I shifted my attention from all the reasons I wasn’t qualified to be a speaker and focused instead on all the things that supported me and why I was qualified to share my message with others.

One week after that simple shift in my focus I landed my first paid speaking gig. Over the course of 2015, 47 more followed.

Shifting our focus in difficult times from the hurdles towards the opportunities and from the struggles to the immeasurable support filling our experience, miracles begin to happen in subtle, yet profound ways.

Focusing On The Good

When you think about your life, your goals and dreams, where does your focus go?

You may be the type of person who seems to recognize all the reasons something won’t work, instead of all the reasons it will.

When you think about your life in the coming weeks, months and years, are you focused on the infinite possibilities that await you or are you focused on the trials of the past?

There is a powerful practice I’ve been experimenting with since launching Three Key Life nearly 2 years ago. That practice is spending at least 51% of my time focused on all the things going right in my life verses all the things going wrong.

At first this practice was difficult, after all, I had built strong beliefs about all the things stacked up against me. As I continued this practice, I recognized there are innumerable things going right in my life at any given moment.

Of course, there wasn’t always paychecks flowing into my mailbox or things always working out in my favor, but I could see from a deep and conscious level, there are too many things going right to count.

Regardless of what is happening around you, there is good taking place. Look around in this moment, look within, look out of the window and see with a clear lens; see the good.

3 Keys To Focus Your Attention On The Positive

#1 – Be Willing to Believe Good Is Out There – If you don’t believe there is good going on within you or around you, then it will be difficult to focus upon the good, especially when difficulties arise. The easiest way to build this belief is to spend time each day focusing on the beauty of your life and all that has aligned so perfectly for your life to be. Things like your ancestors, the elements that comprise your body, the air you breathe, and the mind with which you think.

Center yourself in this realization.

#2 – Find Your Center – There are times in our lives when we are able to be in a positive mental state recognizing the beauty around us, and other times when we are stuck in a perpetual funk. If you are hoping to keep your focus on the good, you must remember it isn’t just a one and done thing, it is a moment to moment experience; similar to riding a bike when we become off balance we have to pedal forward to regain our center. When your thoughts get negative and your focus slips, re-center your thoughts and focus upon the good that is ever-present as you move forward into the moments ahead.

Remember, it is a moment to moment thing, and it requires you to continuously refocus your mind.

#3 – A Few Things To Focus On – By making it this far, you are serious about shifting your focus. Below I’ve highlighted a number of things you can focus your attention on to recognize the ever-present good. These include, but are not limited to, the sun that shines above and the sacred earth that orbits in a solar system resting in a vast galaxy. It includes the plants growing outside your window and the soil that provides them with life. It includes the cells dividing within you this very moment, expanding life and replicating themselves time and time again. This includes your friends, family and people who love and appreciate you and who you love and appreciate back. This includes your heart that beats, mind that thinks, body that you occupy through this experience of life, the water you drink, food you eat and oxygen you breathe. Focusing upon these things reminds you how supported you really are.

From a deep spiritual level, one might even dare to say they are supported by the entire Universe.

The Power of Focus

What you focus on expands. Embracing this truth, I would like to challenge you to spend at least 51% of your time focused on the good, the beautiful, the magnificent.

If your mind starts to slip, catch it and causally redirect it towards that which you’d like to see blossom in your life.

The power of focus is in your hands, use it wisely.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


The Power of Focus: 3 Keys To Focus Your Attention On The Positive
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