The Power of Random Acts of Kindness

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Acts of Kindness

I think we’ve all experienced it.

You’re walking into the store and someone unexpectedly holds the door open for you.

You’re walking down the street and someone compliments you on your shirt, shoes or smile.

You’re walking out of class and a person congratulates you on your achievements on the recent test, or you’re heading into the office and your unexpectedly stopped by a co-worker who thanks you for being there for them.

Acts of kindness are a few of the things in life that we’ll never forget.

Some acts of kindness can be small gestures such as holding the door open for someone.

Others can be big, such as helping someone with rent, food for their children or a place to stay.

Whether big or small, kindness has a magical power within it.

The Horton’s

I remember a random act of kindness in college that truly helped shape the me of today.

It was winter quarter during my second year of college and I just received the news that my financial aid was filled out incorrectly. It was looking like I would have to pay the next 3 quarters of schooling out of my own pocket.

As usual, the winter quarter payment was due immediately if I wanted to continue my education.

Unfortunately at that time I was only bringing in about $1,100 a month which had to be spent on rent, bills and food.

It was looking like school was going to have to be put on the back-burner for a while.

I remember talking with a good friend of mine, Craig Horton, about the crazy hurdles the college was making me jump through.

Little did I know that conversation would be an important catalyst which would propel me into a new area of life.

The next day at work I remember Craig coming up to me with some words that brought tears to my eyes.

“Jeffon,” he said, “I talked with my mom and dad about the things the school was putting you through and they said they want to pay for this quarter of school for you.”

I couldn’t believe it.

These words sank to a place deeper than my heart. Their kindness empowered me to believe in my gifts and know that even in times of despair, I am supported (even if I don’t know where that support will come from).

That act of kindness from the Horton’s served as a launching pad which helped me not only realize there are good people out here, but there are people who believe in me and want to see me successful.

Power of Random Acts of Kindness

As we go throughout our days we can be surrounded by this incredible power of kindness.

  • Are there any random acts of kindness that you can remember which has inspired you to be better in the past?
  • Can you think of any acts of kindness you’ve done for another that not only empowered them but left you with an inner feeling of inspiration and motivation?

Genuine kindness benefits all. (Three Key Tweet)

Being the Good in the World

7 Day Kindness Challenge

For the next 7 days I would like to invite you to join me in the 7 Day Kindness Challenge.

This challenge is focused on practicing random acts of kindness each day, intentionally.

It will remind us that our kindness is contagious and empowers not only ourselves but the world we are apart of. We are the change.

Each day I invite you to:

#1 – Practice 3 Random Acts of Kindness Each Day – 2 acts of kindness to another and 1 act of kindness unto yourself.

#2 – Highlight the Acts of Kindness – Each night write down the acts of kindness you practiced for that day.

#3 – Reflect Upon Kindness – Each night reflect upon the good that you did and envision the good that you would like to practice the next day.

#4 – Day 7 – Look over the last 7 days of kindness, the 21 acts you’ve jotted down. Reflect upon all the individuals lives you have empowered through this simple but powerful process of kindness. Be grateful and repeat.

Download the 7 Day Kindness Challenge PDF here – Use this worksheet to help you keep track of the kindness you practice each day.

I will be posting my random acts of kindness each day via Fb and Twitter.

Let me know your insights from this 7 Day Kindness Challenge by sending me an email at


Let’s take a moment today and treat ourselves with kindness.

Let us take a moment today and be thankful for all the people who’ve treated us with kindness throughout our lives.

Thank you for spending some time visiting Three Key Life.

May your adventures into kindness help you uncover more of you.


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.

-Helen Keller








Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life



Acts of Kindness photo credit: –  liquidnight – –
The Power of Random Acts of Kindness
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