3 Keys For Releasing Judgements

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Releasing Judgements – A Judgement Free Life

We are not born judging one another. We are taught to judge one another.

Have you ever seen or known a person who was able to go a year without judging someone else?

How about a person who went a year or even one month without negatively judging themselves?

Imagine if that person was you.

Each day you awoke, you knew you wouldn’t waste a single second or an ounce of energy judging yourself or judging another.

Instead, you used your time and energy positively empowering others. Seeing each person for the gift of life they truly are.

Imagine if you released all the critical judgements you have of yourself, embracing the unique, one-of-a-kind individual that you are. Taking a moment to realize that your life is a gift. A gift that may never present itself like it is for you this day.

As you released these judgements of others and criticisms about yourself, you found that they no longer took up space within your heart and mind.

Releasing these judgements also provided you with more time. Instead of spending your time thinking petty judgements against another or yourself, you began to consciously think, choose and act in positive and empowering ways.

You no longer choose to spend your time or use your energy to cast a single negative judgement.

Your mind and heart are free.

Your time and energy are consciously and intentionally used.

You are simply living, loving, being fully aware of your thoughts, choices and the use of your time and energy, each moment of every day.

With this new sense of clarity found in the releasing of judgements, what would your life begin to look like?

Free Yourself From Judging Another Person

There was a time in my life where I was very judgemental towards others. I was still a good person, at least I thought I was, but I often found myself judging a person as I passed them in the street, drove alongside them in my car, or stood behind them at the grocery store.

I carried this mental state with me for many years and still find myself trapped in it from time to time.

It wasn’t until I opened my mind, my heart and my awareness to the truth that everyone is valuable, important and are an expression of Life.

As I spent time around an increasingly diverse crowd of people, while continuing my spiritual practice, such as meditation, prayer, and conscious empowerment, I soon realized how unnecessary judging another person is.

I started noticing how the negative judgements I cast over another began to confine them to the image I had of them. Instead of empowering them in my mind, I hurt them.

Over the last few years I’ve continued releasing negative judgements of others and noticed how much more mental freedom I’ve uncovered.

Instead of wasting time casting stones at another person within my mind, I intentionally choose to see the best in them and bless them with all my being.

(Yes even the one’s who’ve caused pain. They are the one’s who I’ve decided need it most.)

Releasing Judgements of Thyself

Empowering, uplifting, and releasing negative judgements of others takes time. That’s ok, because you’re not always surrounded the people you’re most judgemental of.

On the flipside however, you are always with yourself. As we’ve all seen, you and I can be the most critical and judgemental on ourselves.

Many of us, including myself, have literally shattered our dreams, talked ourselves away from our unique abilities and threw away our gifts.

Many have chosen to go the “conventional route” through life.

Giving up our passions for the passionless. Living purposeless because of the way we see ourselves on the inside.

You and I have a choice today. A choice to start believing in ourselves. To start being our biggest supporters. To release false and negative criticisms of ourselves, all the petty judgements that trap us in a lion’s den of our own making.

This is done by valuing and cherishing the Life within you now. Realizing you are a unique, one-of-a-kind being with incredible abilities.

As we release these negative criticisms and judgements towards ourselves, we discover more space within our hearts and minds to fill with empowering and uplifting things. We also discover more time and energy within ourselves that we can spend on empowering ideas, positive progression and grateful thoughts.

As we continue upon the path of freeing ourselves from judging others and finding freedom from the judgement and criticisms we cast upon ourselves, we begin to live fuller.

Simply living, loving, being fully aware of our thoughts, choices and the use of our time and energy each moment of each day.

The Art of Living – Free of Judgement

We can begin to release our negative judgements towards others and criticisms towards ourselves with these 3 simple keys:

#1 – Empowered – Start today with the people you are around. Empower them with your mind. They may be the most horrible person, but choose to see the best of them, that small light within that enabled them to awake this morning. When we begin empowering our surroundings and the people we see everyday first within own mind and heart, we immediately give them permission to be who they truly are.

#2 – Self-Love – Once we intentionally empower others within our being, we must not forget to send that empowerment towards the image we have of ourselves. Choosing to longer hold onto petty judgements that destroy our self image. No longer being so critical on ourselves. Instead, opening our minds and heart to the fullness of our being by realizing this gift of life we are experiencing here and now.

#3 – Freedom – As we honor and allow others to be free from the negative judgements of our mind and have the confidence and courage to fully love ourselves, we then begin fully living. Understanding that inner freedom from negative judgements immediately creates results in our physical reality.

With these 3 Keys we all can begin simply living, loving, being fully aware of our thoughts, choices and the use of our time and energy each moment of each day.


What is one judgement you’d like to release from yourself or the world around you?

Let us know below.


Today be the light.

Live, consciously and intentionally.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



Releasing Judgements Photo Credit: cplong11 via photopin cc
3 Keys For Releasing Judgements
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