How to Believe in Yourself Even More

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How to Believe in Yourself Even More

I once heard a story about two ordinary women. They lived a fairly average life, both having one child, a somewhat supportive husband and worked at the same place.

Though these women had similar lives, there was something that made them extremely different.

You see, one of the ladies, though having a nearly identical life as the other moved through life with a looming cloud of darkness floating over her.

Every day she found faults in others, focusing on the shortcomings in her relationships and the constant struggle in her job. She had an overall sense of weakness and lack of power within herself.

The other woman however, though experiencing the same path as the woman mentioned above, lived in a completely different world.

This woman moved through her life with a light of sunshine beaming out from the depths of her.

Each day she saw opportunity instead of finding faults and blame in others. She gave the best of herself in all her relationships, rising above insecurity and petty judgements. The struggles and hurdles of her hectic family life drew her closer to her inner strength, realizing there were few things she could not overcome.

Instead of weakness, she found strength. She understood she was only hopeless as she believed she was.

Overtime, even though their lives were pretty much indistinguishable, they couldn’t have been more opposite.

One chose darkness, the other chose light.

One lived her days in a heavenly state of consciousness, the other lived in a dark state of being.

From Fear to Belief

Applying this story to our individual lives, we can further see that we have the ability to direct our lives whatever direction we choose.

We have the ability to influence our experiences with a light of hope, peace, compassion and abundance just as easily as we can inject hopelessness, suffering, despair and limitation into our current reality.

Moving from a mind filled (or sprinkled) with fear, into a spiritual space of peace and belief, we must change. (Three Key Tweet)

Individually we must expand.

Throughout our business life, our relationships and the overall course of our experience we must learn how to firmly believe in ourselves and our abilities.

I am not just speaking about believing in the self which you observe, the flesh of you, but instead believing in the inner Essence within which empowers all you do.

Choosing to Believe in Yourself

When we make a choice to believe in ourselves things change. I think we’ve all experienced that at least once our lives.

You know what I’m talking about, those times in life where you discovered untapped potential within yourself causing you to make an entirely new choice.

Watching as that new choice not only strengthened the belief within, but begin revealing new doors of opportunities where you once only saw walls.

Learn to be your biggest supporter. Here’s a wonderful way to start that process.

10 Key Ways to Believe in Yourself

#1 – Positive Quotes – One of the quickest ways for us to uncover more belief in ourselves and our abilities is to fill our mind with inspiring content. Some of the most empowering content can be found in short sayings from some of the most enlightened minds. Here are 10 quotes that can transform your day.

#2 – Empowering Stories – Another way to inspire the belief, faith, creativity and peace within is to read one of these books here. Filling our minds with the stories of the past, both fiction and nonfiction, on a variety of topics can help us remember the infinite potential we came to this Earth with. Here are a few of my favorite books.

#3 – Inner Meditation – There are incredible tools for us to use in the external world we are apart of to cultivate deeper belief in ourselves. However, it’s my opinion that one of the greatest ways to invite more belief into our lives is to simply sit in the peace and presence of our being. Inner meditation can help us remember that Life believes in you and I, supporting our individual endeavors.

#4 – Connection to Higher Power – Each morning, seemingly infinite things follow a divine order, a divine pattern which enables you and I to awake and rise. Each morning we awake we are greeted by the fullness of Life. Whether we move through our day propelled by this fullness or not, is our choice. Each day we awake is a gift.

Why would you ever spend your days in disbelief about all great things that can flow out into the world from the depths of yourself?

#5 – Understanding Direction – Imagine if each night you went to bed you had an outline of how you would like to live the next day. Awaking the next morning only to dedicate yourself to the pursuit you’ve already envisioned. A prerequisite for uncovering more belief within yourself is knowing the direction you’d like to take your life, realizing that it is possible. Live on purpose, with purpose.

#6 – Positive People and Environments – The people that are surrounding you and the environments which you dwell can do one of two things, help you become better, instilling positivity or cripple you from the inside out with negativity. Be around people and environments that not only believe in your gifts but support the expansion of those gifts.

#7 – Positive Self Talk – It’s hard for us to cultivate a deeper belief in ourselves if we are continuously reminding ourselves of our past struggles, tragic failures and destructive thoughts. The inner conversation with ourselves should be one focused on truth, infused with positivity and peace. An empowering self talk is sure to blossom into seeds of belief in thyself and thy abilities.

#8 – Push Through Doubts – Inner belief can be fueled through busting through limiting barriers and self doubt. Remind yourself often of your accomplishments, regardless how little. Each time you are faced with a seemingly impassable obstacle, dive deep within and find the power needed to push yourself into a higher level of living. Be the source of your own empowerment.

#9 – Honor the Little Steps – Learn to believe in yourself by celebrating the little things that you do and have done right or exceptionally well. Remember, belief in the little things leads to belief in your major milestones. Find joy by believing in yourself. Let the little steps empower you.

#10 – Create an Empowered Past – When reflecting back towards the past in my life, I’ve noticed that the past can be filled with regret and frustration just as easily as it can be filled with success and power. When reflecting upon the past, fill your spirit, your mind, your body with the thoughts of progress, moments of enlightenment and acts of great service. An empowered past creates belief in today and illumination for tomorrow.


A being filled with gratitude cannot be filled with doubt. Allow thoughts of gratefulness unlock belief in yourself.

If you can’t think of too many things to be grateful for, simply be thankful that you are living today.

Gratitude is a great way to begin believing in yourself.


What would you do if you fully believed in yourself and your abilities?

Let us know below.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


How to Believe in Yourself Photo Credit: kevin dooley via photopin cc
How to Believe in Yourself Even More
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