How To Stay Empowered and Strengthen Your Spirit in 2015

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Empower Your Mind and Strengthen Your Spirit

What’s the point of having a strong mind with a weak spirit, or a strong body with a weak mind?

If there was one thing that stood out to me in 2014, it’s the importance of creating balance from the inside out.

Creating balance within creates strength. Not strength in a weightlifting sense, but strength to move through life’s obstacles by centering our inner Essence.

Even for those who don’t believe it’s possible to center themselves or strengthen their spirit from within, it’s important to realize that we are always strengthening something in our lives.

Unfortunately, the majority of us spend time strengthening the wrong things. Things like destructive thoughts, debilitating habits and toxic relationships.

Most people spend more time strengthening their body than they do their mind, and the same certainly holds true for their spirit.

But for those who take time to empower themselves from the inside out, their lives transform in ways they never thought possible.

Better health, more creativity, greater energy, abundant relationships and a deeper connection with life are just a few of the things that come from strengthening your spirit.

This isn’t reserved exclusively for the enlightened or the spiritually mature.

It’s possible for you.

Let this year be the year you step into your strength and finally realize it is you who creates your life.

Benefits of an Empowered Mind and a Strong Spirit

Before we explore the incredible benefits of empowering our minds and strengthening our spirits, I think it’s important to share this disclaimer:

Only you can empower your mind and strengthen your spirit. No one else can do this for you.

You may feel like the world is too hectic to find balance within, or that you have too many thoughts running rampant to be able to actually empower your mind.

I’ve felt that way in the past as well.

It’s important for us to understand that we help to color the world with our perspectives. Our perspectives of the world usually mirror what we perceive within ourselves.

By strengthening our spirit we elevate old outlooks and begin to realize we have the power to transform our world within.

I found that I can add a few simple activities to my schedule each day to help me better recognize the Life within. These activities help to strengthen my spirit and they also help me get control of a racing mind that’s continuously racing through thousands of thoughts.

You’ve probably heard of these activities, but may not practice them often, if at all.

Let this be some encouragement for you to spend more time:

  • Meditating

  • Practicing Gratitude

  • Being in Nature

  • Conscious Breathing

When you take time out of your day to intentionally empower your mind and strengthen your spirit, you do more than just close your eyes and meditate.

Instead, you see that YOUR LIFE IS IN YOUR HANDS.

Seriously, you are the co-creator, the assembler of your reality, each moment of each day.

Moving with an empowered mind and embracing a strong spirit, you start intentionally directing your thoughts, choices and actions.

By doing this, you will find more peace, happiness, opportunities, abundance and joy.

Remember, it comes from the inside out.

Strengthen your spirit.

3 Key Ways to Empower Your Mind and Strengthen Your Spirit

#1 – Well of Wisdom – Tap into the well of wisdom daily. Just like our ancestors had to go to the well, let down a bucket and slowly pull it up to obtain their water for the day, we must draw from the well of wisdom.

This well is best accessed through being around empowering people and reading or watching inspirational, educational and truth-filled material.

It can also be tapped by spending time in quiet thought while centering your inner being upon truth. What is truth you ask? Truth is comprised of universal qualities that encompass all.

#2 – Thought Catcher – Make it a practice to catch yourself each time your thoughts begin to slip into negativity, worry, fear, or doubt.

Once you’ve captured those thoughts, intentionally and consciously inject a healthy dose of gratitude, appreciation and inspiration. If you do this consistently, you’ll realize that you can empower each thought you intentionally think.

#3 – Move Towards Greatness – Dedicate yourself to becoming better each day. I encourage you to do this because each day you’re dedicated to moving towards the fullness of your being, you effortlessly create more inner strength, increase your mental abilities and empower your body temple.

Live each day as if it were your last. Dedicate yourself to being the best you.

New Year, New Life

By following these simple steps, you can shape this year into the greatest one yet. But it all depends on how you use them.

If you’d like to dive deeper into these insights, I’ve created a course just for you. Spaces are limited, so don’t wait, register here.


What is one thing you could do everyday to strengthen your spirit?

Share your thoughts below or keep them to yourself and start applying them to your life.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Strengthen Your Spirit Photo Credit: Nick Kenrick. via photopin cc
How To Stay Empowered and Strengthen Your Spirit in 2015
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