Strengthened Spirit: 23 Insights from Honduras

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Strengthened Spirit

Last week I returned from a four week stay on a small island off the coast of Honduras called Roatan. This was my 4th trip in the last 12 months.

Each time I’ve traveled to this incredible part of our planet, I’ve discovered great insights, inspiration as well as a greater connection with who and what I am.

This trip was no exception. In fact, I feel this trip provided the greatest insights I’ve experienced from my voyages to Central America.  During this trip the inspiration flowed in by the bucketloads.

After re-reading the thoughts that I wrote down during my stay, I realized that these 23 insights are too great not to share.

These are 23 different ways that my spirit was strengthened in Honduras. It’s my hope that by reading through these below, you too will uncover more peace, light and inspiration that surrounds you each moment of each day.

23 Ways My Spirit Was Strengthened in Honduras

1 – The Beauty of Nature – Standing in the midst of plantain and banana trees, beneath coconut trees, on top of the lush soil and the fine sand that lines the beach, nature never ceases to inspire my inner Essence. What a beautiful opportunity it is to live amongst such beauty, on both the inside and out. Take a moment to recognize the incredible Life that dwells in the nature that surrounds you.

2 – The Light in the Children’s Eyes – Looking into the eyes of the children you will see hope for the future. Few things compare to or strengthen my spirit more than being the in presence of children who recognize the light that shines not only within them but within all. Pause often and empower the youth.

3 – The Power of the Sea – Each wave is an extension of the abundant ocean, just as you and I are an expression of the Essence of Life. The power of the sea reminds me of the power that each of us contain. Be not tossed and turned with the waves. We can center ourselves to the inner Essence which fills all.

4 – The Wisdom of the Elders – Knowledge is easily received when we open our ears, our hearts and our minds to the wisdom that flows from those who have more experienced than we. Respect the elders for they are the ones who share the knowledge of the past. One day we’ll be the one’s responsible to share that wisdom to future generations.

5 – The Magnificence of the Stars – Looking up each night on Roatan I felt connected with the stars above me. I recognize that we are the descendants of these lights in the sky, our bodies still containing the same elements that float throughout the cosmos. Looking at the stars I see a reflection of us.

6 – The Talents of the Youth – We all have gifts, talents and abilities. Even those who may have had troubled past have the ability to transform their lives into one of peace, compassion and enlightenment. Help the youth rise. Help the youth recognize their gifts by you recognizing and sharpening yours.

7 – The Persistence of the Insects – Witnessing the cooperation of the insects, the strength of the ants and the persistence of the flies, I see the power of Life. Though I may see them as a pest at times, I recognize the importance of these insects to our planet. I am grateful for the wisdom they share with us each day (if we are paying attention).

8 – The Skills of the Woodworkers & Builders – With the most basic of tools, exceptional works of art can be made. However, if you don’t believe that an exceptional piece of art can be made then you can have the most effective tools and they will mean nothing. Believe in your abilities. Our mind is one the greatest tool we could discover.

9 – The Compassion of the Rastas – There is a small rasta community in Roatan and the compassion from these people is beyond measure. The acceptance they showed me inspired me to find acceptance in even the most difficult people. Move through this day with compassion.

10 – Smiles & Laughter – Despite the fact that I cannot speak Spanish, I found ways to communicate with basically everyone. That is through a smile. Wearing a smile on our face can be greater than any word we could say.

11 – The Connection – From the trees, to the sea, to the people, the earth below and the stars above, its all connected. Everywhere I went throughout this voyage I witnessed Life. The Life I saw is ever-present. Take a moment today and recognize your connection to it all.

12 – The Respect & Peace Shown – Show respect and peace to all people, even those who are completely different than you. I appreciate all the respect and peace that was shown to me. Let us all take a moment today and be one of the peacemakers.

13 – The Possibilities of Today – Each day the sun rises and provides each of us across the entire globe with infinite possibilities. Endless paths, directions, choices, decisions and actions we can make. Embrace the power contained in each day we awake, for it contains all of Life.

14 – The Power of Teamwork – When minds, hearts, hands and ideas come together great things happen. Together we can transform even the worst of situations.

15 – The Importance of Early Morning Reflection – Benjamin Franklin said, “Early to sleep, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” By reflecting each morning on the Life that dwells within and the Life that dwells without, we can see our connection to it all.

16 – The Importance of Tears – Each time I’ve left Honduras I’ve shed tears of joy. Each time a tear drops from my eye, I give thanks for my ability to feel and my ability to care about something so much that tears form. What brings tears to your eyes?

17 – The Power of Reggae Music – The music I listen to while in Honduras is reggae filled. Each song is like a gospel song that gives thanks for the Life that dwells within all. Fill your mind with good sounds and vibes.

18 – Healthy Food – I ate fresh fish, plantains, bananas, coconut and beans throughout my time in Honduras. I continue to recognize the importance of filling my body with healthy and natural food.

19-  Freedom from Technology – Though I wasn’t able to post on TKL as often as I wanted due to lack of internet, it felt good to be free of my phone that is attached to my hand here in the States. Disconnecting from technology helped me connect with the nature around me and the Essence within. Find time to disconnect.

20 – The History of the Hillsides – The history of the Garifuna community that I stayed with on the island of Roatan is incredible to say the least. Realizing that history is “his-story”, I enjoyed venturing into nature and listening to the wisdom of the hillsides. Open eyes can see the invisible and open ears can hear the inaudible if you look and listen close enough.

21 – The Importance of Helping Hands – A family, a community, a State, a nation, a world that lends a helping hand to one another empowers all they come in contact with. Lend a helping hand to those in need.

22 – Power of Compassion, Peace & Love – There is a great power when we move through our lives with peace, compassion and love. Even in the worst places of our world you can move with this energy and will be received with open arms.

23 – Jah Love – We are all one, regardless of where we are from, where we may live, or what we may believe. The same Life that awakes me, awakes you and that Life which awakes you, awakes all. Embrace the Life which fills us all.


Pick one of these things today and allow your spirit to be strengthened.


Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to visit Three Key Life.

I hope that you’ve found at least one of these 23 insights helpful and see how you can add it to your life.

Remember that you, your thoughts and your actions matter.


What is the greatest insight you’ve had in the last 30 days?

Leave your comments below.

Make the day great.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



Life, love, happiness and compassion surround us each moment of each day.

The entire universe is filled with it, that is unless we choose believe otherwise.

Photo Credit: Aaron “Kuhnex” Jacob
Strengthened Spirit: 23 Insights from Honduras
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