The Sacred Mothers

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Sacred Mothers

Wherever you may be, whoever you are, regardless where you are from, we all have mothers.

As I was celebrating Mother’s Day yesterday, I couldn’t help but think of how grateful I am to have such a good friendship and appreciation for my mom

If you were to ask her, she would say that the early times of my life, up until I was about 22 was not the easiest. As a family we dealt with a variety of difficulties that many of the families across the world deal with.

Things like not having a lot of money, addition, moving around from place to place and at times disagreements but the one thing that kept us moving through the high peaks of happiness and the low dark valleys of struggles was the love that my mom, my sisters and I had for each other. Another essential component of my early upbringing was the kindness, support, love and inspiration that my grandma and grandpa brought into my life at a young age.

When things got too difficult to handle or when my mom was working 2 jobs to support us, my grandparents, especially my grandma would be there for us.

Reflecting back upon my life has been extremely empowering as I recognize the essential parts of my experience that made me, me. This includes both the good and the bad.

To celebrate and acknowledge all the mothers out there I feel there are a few things in particular that we all can embrace to honor the sacred mothers who walk this planet.

The Sacred Mothers

Our Mothers and Grandmothers

Whether you have an empowering relationship with your mom, regardless if your grandmother is still walking upon this planet there should be a deep appreciation for your mother.

For some this may be difficult to say because of dark experiences that may have tainted their early life. As I bring these thoughts into my life I realize that it would have been just as easy to create a negative idea of my upbringing as it was to create a positive story.

However, regardless if we have a positive experience or a negative experience there is one thing we share in common, we have a mother who brought us into this world. Even deeper than that we have a grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother etc.. whose lives were essential in the development of who we are today. Without them we would not be here, living, breathing, being.

My mom was adopted and I have many great friends who were adopted as well. When we talk about their biological mother we get into some interesting conversations but we always end up with the realization, their biological mother brought them to this earth. In addition to this conversation, we always realize how beautiful their adopted parents have been to their life.

I say this to remind you that we should all have a deep respect for the woman who birthed us into this experience.

Mother Earth

As we recognize our connection with our mothers we realize that there is one mother that is inescapable, who deserves our fullest and utmost respect and appreciation, Mother Earth.

It is this sacred planet that has provided the habitat for human life to flourish. Some may stop me there and say that it was God, Source, the Universe that brought us to this planet and I must agree but it is the Mother Earth that we walk upon, grow food from, creates the fresh air we breath, provides for the animals, contains fresh water and on and on.

It is my hope that we can carry a deep appreciation for this planet we live upon. In doing so, we not only carry a heart of gratitude but we see that each human is our brother and sister.

If we look at Mother Earth as the mother to all, then we simultaneously realize that all are One.

3 Keys To Honor The Sacred Mothers

#1 – Acknowledge – We all spent the first 7-9 months of our life on this planet in the darkness of our mother’s womb. We all were birthed forth from a woman, a woman who walks upon this incredible planet earth. It was this Earth that provided food for your mother and that your mother gave to you as a child. This deep realization of the connectedness of the Mother Earth to your biological mother helps you recognize how beautifully orchestrated your life has been.

#2 – Gratitude – Embracing this acknowledgment immediately flows into gratitude and appreciation. Extend gratitude for your mother, grandmother, great grandmother and beyond who have lived before you to bring you into this experience. Let your heart flow with gratitude as you embrace the countless blessings that flow forth from Mother Earth. Gratitude can heal a hurting heart or polluted mind.

#3 – Embrace the Feminine – The greatest man must come forth from a woman. Women provide all of us with this gift of life so it is our responsibility to not only find appreciation for your own mother and the mothers you pass on a daily basis, but it is of the important to uplift the young girls of our planet; encouraging them to respect and appreciate themselves. This completes the circle.

Call, Write A Letter, Extend A Prayer

To complete this expression I would like to encourage you to call you mother, write a letter to your grandmother, or extend a prayer if they have transitioned from this experience.

If you need to forgive this is  a great time to do so with a heart of gratitude and acknowledging the importance these women have had in your life.

Finally, do your part to empower our planet, respect the forests, rivers, oceans and all of life that you share this experience with.

All is One.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


The Sacred Mothers
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