Two Worlds: Which One Do You Reside?

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Two Worlds

We are all living on one planet but the experiences and worlds people dwell in vary in major ways. Ask any two people about their outlook on the world and you will hear a variety of answers.

Religions, college degrees, sides of towns, skin color, class, and the environments people live in cause individuals to live in different realities, while walking on the same planet.

With all these worlds we can live in, there are only 2 worlds I’d like to highlight today. Of these two worlds, I’d like to ask you to look deeply and recognize in which world it is you currently reside.

World One

Returning from a 3 -month speaking tour across the west coast of America, one thing that stood out was a large glacier I saw in Jasper National Park in Canada which has receded nearly 70% in the last 80 years. This made me realize the impact we as humans are having on our planet. This brings me to World One.


World One is filled with these eye-opening truths of what humans are doing to the planet we call home. It includes climate change, poverty, lack of education, food processed with chemicals, corrupt governments and police, racial injustice, overflowing jail populations, single parents, freshwater vanishing, animals facing extinction, debt, rigged politicians, cancer, prescription drugs and wars.

World One is filled with the ills that are apparent and swirling across our globe. We could continue this list but I think you have the gist of it. In this World One, people are more concerned with their ego than they are for others.

In this World One, individuals believe they are separate from others, forgetting the Oneness they share with all.

World Two

World Two is not human or problem free, but it is completely different from World One. In fact, World Two is the underlying foundation to World One if you look deeply.

In World Two, trees are blossoming, seeds are awakening in soil that supports it, the sun is shining upon all, the wind calmly blows, rivers filled with fish flow, tides rise and fall with ease in alignment with the moon, the air supports the various animals roaming on the planet, communities work together to bring about a positive change, gardens are planted and tended too, people help each other accomplish important endeavors, books inspire minds, and the planet spins with order in a vast solar system tucked away in a small corner of the galaxy.

In World Two, the people are aware of the good that is ever-present. They are also willing to focus on the good and use their time and energy to not only benefit themselves, but to make a positive impact on the entire globe.

What World Do You Live In?

If you look back at your experience of life, how would you describe the world you live in?

While I know that we cannot change the entire world, we can shift and transform our inner world.

However, before we can change our inner world, we have to identify the current inner world in which we reside.

When you look at the world within yourself, do you feel it aligns with World One or World Two?

It may be a mixture of both. If so, ask yourself, “am I living in a world that works for everyone?”

Great things await us if we are willing to shift and grow. Here are a few keys to help with the process….

3 Keys To Creating A World Of Peace

#1 – Oneness – Be willing to see the oneness all around you. See this oneness in other people, witness it in the plants, and this earth you dwell upon. Realize that what you do to the earth and to other people, you ultimately do to yourself. If we are able to live with appreciation and oneness for all of life, then we will effortlessly treat everything and everyone with respect and compassion. If one person does this, amazing things occur, if communities live like this, state’s change, and if humankind can align with this Oneness, there is no problem too big to solve.

#2 – Use of Energy – How do you use your energy? A good way to answer this is to look at the jobs you work, where do you spend your time, and in what territory do you place your thoughts each day? Are you using your energy to create a world that values and cherishes others or are you using your energy as a slave to feed your ego? We all have energy, but not all of us are aware of how we use it each day. Below are a few ways to use your energy in a positive way.  

#3 – Volunteer, Collaborate, Do Something New – To offset the eye-opening conditions taking place on our planet due to human ignorance and neglect, we must do something new. These don’t have to be drastic new endeavors, but conscious and intentional endeavors realizing how we impact everything. Here are a few things I recommend: Gardening, meet your neighbors, work with the youth, refuse to buy products from third world countries that are made in slave-like conditions, avoiding toxic shows, reading more, committing acts of kindness to complete strangers and being willing to grow your spirit. Before any change can occur, it is you and I who must be the change we’d like to see.

Positive brings about more positive.

This Week and Beyond

There is no better time than now to positively impact our fellow brothers and sisters, as well as the planet we call home.

This week, may there be less TV and more interaction with nature. Less procrastination and more working on your dreamsLess negativity and more willingness to show up in the world from a positive place.

May we look out into the world and be the change in the areas where we see suffering.

We are it. Let us be the change.

“If the Success or Failure of this Planet, and of Human Beings, Depended on How I Am and What I Do, How Would I Be? What Would I Do?” -R. Buckminster Fuller







Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life

Two Worlds: Which One Do You Reside?
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