Minute of Mindfulness – Planting Seeds of Peace

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Planting Seeds of Peace

There is a garden within all of us. This garden is filled with lush and fertile soil that supports any seed that is deposited into it. We can see what is growing in this inner garden based upon what is unfolding in our external experiences.

Moving with this sense of awareness, we see how essential it is to be mindful of what thoughts we are watering in our minds, what emotions we are harboring in our hearts and what perspective we are using to view the world.

All of this is important, however, taking this a step further is to ask ourselves, what seeds are we depositing in other people?

Those thoughts, words, and beliefs we project at people, tend to act as seeds that enter into their mind and given the proper conditions can begin to blossom with the same intent you sent them.

We see this in children. They tend to water the seeds their parents, teachers and community plants within them.

So what happens when we take a minute of mindfulness and become aware of the seeds we are planting in the minds of others?

Is it possible for us all to plant seeds of peace?

Minute of Mindfulness

Doing Our Part

We all have a level of responsibility to direct our thoughts, words, and deeds in a way that brings about more peace internally and into the lives of others.

I’d like to invite you to do your part, right where you are, to plant an abundant meadow of peace by depositing seeds of peace into the lives of the people you see each day.

Remember, if you can’t find peace within you then it’ll be difficult to share peace with others. Learn how to get more peace here.

Peace. Happiness. Compassion. Respect.

Jeffon Seely

Minute of Mindfulness – Planting Seeds of Peace
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