The Keys of Wisdom Gained From Giving A Ted Talk

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Wisdom Gained From Giving A Ted Talk

This past week one of my biggest goals came to fruition. It was May 31st of 2015 that I built up the confidence needed to reach out to places to speak. After hundreds of calls and letting people know who I am, things slowly inched forward.

Around this time I was finding inspiration by viewing a large amount of TED talks covering all ranges of topics. As I would sit at my house binging on various TED lecture series, a goal started to emerge in my mind.

I wanted to give a TED talk.

Fast forward throughout the previous year and I was getting more and more comfortable expressing my message with a large variety of people. During this time I submitted to present a TED talk a few times but was never accepted.

In January of 2016 my little sister sent me a text message and told me I should look into a TED series taking place at UNLV. She forwarded me the link and I submitted to TED one more time.

After sending in my information, various clips of me speaking and my websites, time moved forward and the submission slipped my mind. It was in March that I received an email from an organizer of the TED event that informed me I was accepted to be one of the presenters for the series, “Living In The Extreme.”

On April 8th I gave my first TED talk. This was such a wonderful experience. I feel as if everything I’ve been doing throughout the past 12 months prepared me for this.

The message was well received, I met a lot of new people, gained new connections and was also reminded of the importance of setting goals that seem beyond reach.

Pulled By Goals

What are the goals you’ve been working towards these past few months? Are they goals that require you to grow or are they goals that seem easily attainable?

I ask this because by setting goals larger than who you may believe yourself to be here and now, these goals help you grow into the person you are here to be.

For me, giving a TED talk was one of these goals. I knew that I couldn’t speak in a monotone voice that didn’t connect with people. I knew that if I was given an opportunity to be a presenter at a TED event, I would have to grow as a speaker. This meant, I had to grow inwardly as a person.

While most big goals don’t happen overnight, it is the consistent steps towards a specific goal that carry you a long way. Just as a seed grows over time, you and I grow as time passes, especially if we are choosing to move toward our highest and best.

Ask yourself, are your goals pulling you forward into a brighter future or are your goals sinking a deep anchor into where you find yourself today?

3 Key Lessons My TED Talk Taught Me

#1 – It Is Possible – You can do what you set your mind out to do, but you must be willing to use your time and energy in a way to take you there. While you may not see a way, you must not allow your faith to waver. Believe in yourself and move forward consciously, intentionally and in a way that you are using your thoughts, choices and actions in the best way possible.  

#2 – Authenticity – There is a certain power that flows from people when they live authentically. There will never be another you. Don’t copy another person but be willing to be yourself. There is an energy that can only flow forth from your presence as you live your life in such a way that you are fully honoring who you are here to be.

#3 – Set the Bar Higher – After reaching a goal, it’s important to reevaluate your goals and aspirations and have a willingness to set the bar even higher. Setting the bar higher helps you grow as you continue to move forward in your life. What goals could you set a bit higher this week?

Share Your Gifts

The TED talk will be available on the TED youtube channel in the coming weeks. As it becomes available I’ll be sure to share it with the TKL community.

I encourage you to share your gifts, accomplishments, and achievements. After you share them, move forward with even more abundance and belief in yourself and your gifts.






Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


The Keys of Wisdom Gained From Giving A Ted Talk
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