There Is Nothing Stopping You What would your life look like if you realized there was nothing stopping you? What would your life look like if you embraced all of the things that are aligning with perfection to help you accomplish your dreams? It takes strength and a willingness to recognize that you have all the […]
8 Brutal Truths That Will Improve Your Life
Brutal Truths That Will Improve Your Life One of the greatest transformations that has happened in my life was brought about by a particular thought that challenged me to move beyond my perceived reality. It was a thought, an expression that pushed my consciousness into a new level and thus, impacted every area of my […]
Minute of Mindfulness: Dealing With Negative People
Dealing With Negative People When was the last time you had to deal with a negative or toxic person? Was it a co-worker, a family member, friend, an acquaintance, a random stranger, or was it yourself? I ask because we all have to deal with difficult people from time to time. As I think about […]
Minute of Mindfulness – Planting Seeds of Peace
Planting Seeds of Peace There is a garden within all of us. This garden is filled with lush and fertile soil that supports any seed that is deposited into it. We can see what is growing in this inner garden based upon what is unfolding in our external experiences. Moving with this sense of awareness, […]
Minute of Mindfulness: Cutting Out The Negative
Cutting Out The Negative How often do you replay a negative experience that happened over and over again in your mind? Have you ever allowed a negative experience in the past to steal the joy and peace from the present? Why does this happen to us? In my life, there have been times where I […]
Minute of Mindfulness: Mental Freedom and the Space of Positivity
Mental Freedom So many of us have outward freedom, yet are mentally imprisoned. In my life, I realize how much of my time is spent focused on the seeming difficulties instead of the abundant experiences all around me. I think this might be true for many of us. I found the solution doesn’t lie cursing […]
Minute of Mindfulness: How To Forgive
How To Forgive Why does it seem that so much of our pain, anger, resentment, and frustration stems from things that happened in the past? It could have been something someone did, something we did to ourselves, or a dark and difficult experience we walked through. What would happen if you were able to find […]
Minute of Mindfulness: Inner Work and the Broken Vase
Inner Work and the Broken Vase A broken vase with cracks and holes cannot hold water. A broken person with fears, guilt, shame, unforgiveness, anger, jealousy, and envy cannot hold peace. For many of us, this is obvious. So what happens if we are carrying some of these toxic thoughts and emotions with us, but […]
Minute of Mindfulness: Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
Don’t Compare Yourself To Others One of the most powerful truths to remember is that THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER YOU. For those who are willing to move with this understanding, they realize they are neither inferior nor superior to no anyone. Instead, they have their own unique abilities and gifts to bring out into the […]
3 Keys To Rid The Mind of Toxic Thoughts & Transform Them Towards the Highest and Best
Rid The Mind of Toxic Thoughts If someone was able to walk with you through your mind, what would they see? Would it be an inner landscape filled with thoughts of peace, kindness, optimism, positivity, and compassion for yourself and others? Or would it be a dark world where anger, fear, stress, frustration, toxicity, and […]