3 Keys To Become a Better Communicator Today’s post is based on something we do everyday. Some people excel at this, while others are entrenched with fear, nervousness and shyness. What I am speaking about is communication. Think back to all the conversations you’ve had this day, this week, this month, or year. Each day […]
10 Quick Ways To Prepare Your Inner Garden For Spring: Maximizing Your Potential This Season
10 Quick Ways To Prepare Your Inner Garden For Spring Springtime is upon us here in the States. This is a great time of year, when we get to soak up the abundant rays of the sun and prepare our gardens. For most of us, this means going outside, putting on our gloves and getting […]
3 Practices For Creating A Dynamic Inner Transformation
Creating A Dynamic Inner Transformation I’ve often wondered if there is a simple set of principles that, if embraced, could produce more peace, happiness and joy, both individually and collectively in our world. In this simple post I think I’ve uncovered these principles. In the past I’ve mentioned that it’s possible to achieve this state […]
Overcoming Overwhelming Mornings: Saving A Hopeless Day
Overcoming Overwhelming Mornings It happened again today. I was planning on rising well before the sun, getting some running in, a little meditation and journaling, followed up with a well structured plan for the day. But instead, I managed to talk my half-awake mind into pushing the snooze button a few times, finally rolling out […]
Revolutionary Spirit: 3 Revolutionary Tactics of the Founding Fathers
Revolutionary Spirit: 3 Revolutionary Tactics of the Founding Fathers Imagine living in a place where you were taxed nearly to death. A place that regardless of how hard you worked there was a royal group of people who you could never surpass, yet they passed all the laws, rules and regulations. Imagine feeling isolated and […]
Creating Self-Love: 18 Things You Should Love About Yourself
Creating Self-Love If you were asked to make a list of the things that you would like to improve about yourself and a list of things that you love about yourself, which one would be longer? For most of us, we can easily identify the things about ourselves we’d like to change, improve or transform. […]
Bite Size Inspiration and Empowerment: 3 Key Insights To Remind Yourself Each Day
Bite Size Inspiration and Empowerment I am an inspiration and empowerment junkie. I’ll admit it. I love searching through books, browsing through quotes and various articles on the web that are centered in what I like to call Truth. By Truth I don’t mean religious doctrines or passed down knowledge from one generation to another. […]
How To Create More Motion in a Stagnant Life
Lack of Movement. Motionless. Stagnant Life. A few months back I wrote a post on Three Key Life about eliminating stagnation from our lives. What I didn’t expect was this to become one of the more popular posts on TKL. I realized I was not alone. I’m not the only one out here that’s allowed […]
MLK Jr. Day – Moving with the Spirit of Martin Luther King Jr.
The Spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. Becoming the light in a sea of darkness. Radiating peace and equality while surrounded by an army of hatred. Sharing truth, hope, inspiration and love to the oppressed and downtrodden. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy continues to ripple through our world today. I recall when I first moved […]
The 3 Keys To Becoming An Exceptional Communicator
Becoming An Exceptional Communicator Family, friends, co-workers, bosses, neighbors, business associates, acquaintances, baristas, waiters, store clerks….. The list goes on. These are just a few of the people we communicate with on a daily basis. This obviously doesn’t take into account the constant conversations (thoughts) that occur within our minds throughout our day. For some, […]