Reflecting Upon The Beauty of 2015: Building the Foundation for the Future

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Reflecting Upon The Beauty of 2015

2015 brought with it 365 days of endless opportunities. That is 8,760 hours that were in your possession and you could have used them any way you would’ve liked. That is roughly 525,600 minutes that slowly snapped by which created your entire year.

If you reflect through 2015, how would you say you spent this precious time?

Did you use this time to create a life you were hoping you’d create or were you stuck on the same stumbling blocks from the past?

If you were asked to rate the amount of time you spent dwelling on positive things, would these positive thoughts outweigh the negative?

I ask you these questions because each day is filled with limitless potential. With the new year upon us, most of us are ready to soar into 2016 but haven’t reflected on the highs and lows of 2015.

Despite how you answer these questions or how you spent your sacred time upon this planet, there is one thing I would like to encourage you to embrace in 2016 and that is the Divine support that is always with you.

Whether 2015 was exceptional or horrific, you were supported by It all. Embracing this support, let us soar into a prosperous 2016 fully aware of our direction, the endless potential within us and the power we have to assist in the co-creation of our life.

Power of Goals

2015 was one of the best years I’ve had. I made a goal at the start of the year to find the confidence needed to begin to speak across the county. I also set a goal to release my newest book entitled, Book of Essence.

I am grateful both of these goals came into fruition but it wasn’t after many hours of persistence and determination. In fact, I didn’t find the confidence necessary to begin my speaking endeavors until March of 2015. Once found, with some fear of course, the doorway slowly opened. This year I’ve spoken at 48 different places across America and Honduras.

My book was released in August of 2015, 10 months after I was hoping it would be finished due to procrastination. I am grateful to reflect upon this year and see how incredible it is when we believe in ourselves

Did you reach your goals?

Top Blog Posts of 2015

In addition to these goals, Three Key Life has had over 14,000 readers and allowed me to continue to express my heart and share it with people like you.

The top blog posts of this year were:

  1. 6 Misconceptions of Being Spiritual
  2. How to Overcome Stagnation in Life
  3. How to Strengthen Your Spirit

This has reminded me we’re all on this path of life together, each of us are continuing to recognize more of who we truly are, each of us dealing with similar things.

I would like to thank you for your support and encouragement throughout the year.

Moving Into 2016

As we move into 2016 there’s a few things that will be transforming here at Three Key Life.

One of the key things I am working on is to bring you more empowering, spiritual based videos. I have been working on some that will be released in January of 2016 and am excited to share more visuals as this year unfolds.

Another thing I’ve been working on is creating more music. Some of you may remember when I released this video, DREAM last year. Being that I’ve been speaking with schools and universities, I’ve found that the youth connect extremely well with music. Be on the lookout for more as the year blossoms.

Besides more videos and music, I have a few more books in the cooker. I have been looking at some of my favorite motivators throughout history and recognized that a handful of them wrote over 20+ books. Realizing that I am not here forever, I am dedicating myself to writing a minimum of one book a year for the rest of my life.

I encourage you to write your thoughts and share your gifts because you cannot share what is within you when you are no longer here. The things you bring into the world during your time here are the things that will outlive you.

Finally, I will continue speaking around the nation, diving deeper into spiritual truth and being a beacon of peace.

With all the events taking place throughout our world, I feel this is the time that I’ve been waiting for to shine my light as abundantly as I can, reminding one another how valuable we are and encouraging people to look beyond the smoke screens that fill our day to day experience.


I would like to thank you for all your support. Whether you’ve been reading Three Key Life since the beginning or just stumbled upon it, thank you for being you.

Spend time planning for the year ahead and dedicate yourself to a worthy ideal.

People await your light and your gifts. You matter my friend.

Don’t forget to snag this free guide to make 2016 exceptional.

Click Here For Your Free Guide To Making Each Day Extraordinary





Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Reflecting Upon The Beauty of 2015: Building the Foundation for the Future
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