Gratitude Post: 66 Things to be Grateful For

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Gratitude Post 6

About 6 months ago, I decided to write my first Gratitude Post. In that post I highlighted the story of my amazing mother and incredible grandparents.

Since that time, I’ve written one gratitude post on the 4th Wednesday of each month. We’ve covered things like 2400 East, the stars, earth and all in-between, embracing the way things happen and my most recent post, my incredible experience at Highline Community College.

This month’s Gratitude Post is something a little different from those previous.

This month I’d like to share with you 66 things to be grateful for.

I invite you to use this list when you are feeling down, discouraged, looking for more hope, or even when you’re feeling on top of your game.

As the great Zig Ziglar said,

“The more you recognize and express gratitude for the things you have, the more things you will have to express gratitude for.” 

66 Things To Be Grateful For

1 – Breath – For supporting our bodies and enabling our lives. Remember, this breath you currently breathe has been in existence for quite sometime before it had the opportunity to enter your being and assist you in living.

2 – Empowering Relationships – For all those beautiful people in your life who truly care, support, believe and love you.

3 – A Smile – Your ability to put a smile on your face and be the source of happiness in another person’s day; as well as being able to smile in the heat of adversity.

4 – Empowering Another Person – For all those people in the past who you’ve helped become better. For all those people around you in the present moment who you encourage, and for all the people in the future who await for you to cross their paths.

5 – Communication – Being able to speak and communicate with your fellow man and woman with whom you are sharing this experience.

6 – Planet Earth – For this abundant Earth that supports our bodies, provides us with soil to grow crops, water to quench our thirst, animals to live alongside us and the incredible history of this planet that methodically orbits in an endless universe.

7 – The Sun Shining Above Us – For the incredible sun that tans our skin, supports our plants, warms our bodies, and provides us with the light of the world.

8 – Clean, Fresh Water – For access to clean water to drink, clean water to wash everything with and clean water to bathe in.

9 – Food In Our Stomachs – For the incredible process each morsel of food has gone through to provide our being with nourishment and strength.

10 – The Power of a Great Book For our ability to read and empower our own mind through the writings and ideas of another.

11 – Fresh Fruits and Veggies – Access to organic produce filled with nutrients that fully support our bodies and add to the overall well-being of our planet.

12 – The Youth – For the children who are the leaders of tomorrow and our ability to teach, empower and motivate them to be the greatest they can be.

13 – Power of Technology – For access to the internet, the convenience of computers and the luxury of a cell phone that connects us to billions of people across the globe.

14 – Our Creative Abilities – For our ability to direct our thoughts, choices and actions each moment of each day to whatever ends we desire. Realizing we are the ones responsible for our lives.

15 – Our Heart – For this amazing center of our being that pumps blood throughout our body, is always open to forgiveness and brings forth great acts of compassion, connecting us with one another.

16 – Our Body (Organs, Cells, Atoms) – For this vehicle, our body with which we experience this life. From the smallest atoms undergoing constant change, to our magnificent cells that divide by building with what we feed them and our organs which support the universe within ourselves.

17 – Awaking Today – For the endless opportunities this day (and each day) provides.

18 – Access to Wisdom and Knowledge – For our ability to uncover wisdom and knowledge passed down through the ages and then apply it to our lives.

19 – Electricity and Running Water – For the light switches that when flicked illuminate entire rooms. For the faucets that when turned, pump out cold or hot water on demand.

20 – Meditation – For the power of stillness, recognizing the incredible peace that rests within each of us if we only give ourselves permission to explore the limitless land within.

21 – Clothes on our Backs – Not only for the clothes on our backs but for the countless people who have spent their time and energy making and creating the clothes that we so proudly wear.

22 – Sowing and Reaping – The power of throwing seeds on fertile ground and reaping a harvest. Also for our ability to throw seeds of thought into our consciousness and reap the harvest of those thoughts.

23 – Access to Education – For schools, colleges and organizations that use their time and energy to enable us to elevate our minds.

24 – The Trees, Plants, Animals and Insects – For all the trees which sway with the wind, providing oxygen. For all the plants and herbs that empower our lives. All the animals and insects that support this diverse ecosystem that we are a part of.

25 – Ability to Tap into Empowering Memories – Access to the vast memory bank of our own consciousness and ability to hold onto specific thoughts which propel us forward.

26 – Transportation – For airplanes to travel on, trains that take us further quicker, cars to transport us to far destinations and our ability to utilize these human advancements.

27 – Our Ability to Create Change – Embracing the amazing power we all have to transform the bad into the good. For our ability to easily facilitate change in our individual lives.

28 – Free Will – For our ability to do as we choose. The conscious recognition that what we choose to do with our free will impacts not only ourselves but the world we are a part of.

29 – The Elderly – For the wisdom and stories of those who still walk the Earth with us and the knowledge we gain from spending time with them learning.

30 – Inspired Minds – For all the great people throughout history who used their time and energy to elevate, empower and inspire the people of the world to become better. Especially those whose legacy lasts for generations.

31 – Teachers and Mentors – For all those people who spent time teaching us how to read, how to do arithmetic, the importance of sciences and spiritual knowledge, helping us uncover more of who and what we are.

32 – Pain – For all those difficult times in life, the stresses and frustrations that became so painful that we were forced to grow into a better version of ourselves.

33 – Clouds and Rain – For the abundant clouds that act like floating lakes and rivers, dropping water to the ground which supports the life on planet Earth.

34 – The Stars – For the sparkling gifts of life that float above us and the recognition that our bodies and the Earth we stand upon are products of those stars in the distance.

35 – Innumerable Bonds (Oxygen, Hydrogen) – For the great act of harmony that bonds elements together and creates more life. Though some bonds are harmful for you and I, each natural bond seems to have been brought together to be able to support more.

36 – Rocks and Minerals – For all the minerals that compose the large mountains, rocks and hillsides that we’ve mined to access materials needed to support the lives we live today. *(forgive us).

37 – Time – For our time on this planet which is one of the greatest gifts I’ve discovered.

38 – Times of Laughter – For all those experiences that bring joy to your heart.

39 – Overcoming Struggles and Fear – For all those things you’ve overcome, especially during the dark times in life and your ability to continue moving forward.

40 – Your Enemies – For all those who have used you, cursed you, harmed you and tried to cut you with their words, they make you stronger.

41 – Music and Poetry – For pleasing music that stimulates the soul, poetry that connects with our spirit and the talented minds who’ve spent time sharing their innermost expression.

42 – Expression – For your ability to express yourself through any medium you’d like. Our expression is a gift that we must draw out from within ourselves and share with the world around us. Only you can express how you can express.

43 – Our House – For the roof above our head and bed that we are able to rest in.

44 – Good People – For those people who move through this experience of life with good intentions, positive actions and have compassionately empowered you in one way or another.

45 – Grandparents – For the people who gave your parents life which opened the possibilities for you to be.

46 – Your Parents – For your mother and father, those responsible for your existence and the bond that you carry with them throughout life.

47 – Your Siblings and Family – For your brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles, and extended family with whom you have the opportunity to share this experience.

48 – Art – For paintings, murals, inventions, photos, and other artistic creations that stimulate your mind, opening up a new realm within your own consciousness.

49 – Love – For the love you have received, the love you’ve given and the love that surrounds us each moment of each day on all levels.

50 – Nature (Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Oceans, Plains) – For the beauty of nature, the power of hiking and the importance of staying connected to the fullness of nature. It is Mother Nature who has birthed us all (at least our bodies).

51 – Downtime – For the opportunity to slow down, reflect and be in the present moment. As well as realizing the power this moment contains.

52 – Modern Medicine – For all the people who’ve spent their lives healing others, providing us with access to medicine that can heal us, extend life and free us of disease that would otherwise be life altering.

53 – Deep Thoughts – For our ability to stop and dive deep within ourselves, asking questions that expand our realm of consciousness and help us see the world from a new perspective.

54 – Empowering Organizations – For all those organizations spending their time and resources assisting the lives of those who are in desperate need.

55 – Exercise – For the ability to strengthen our body through movement as well as strengthen our mind and spirit through reading, writing and meditating.

56 – Ability to Travel – For the opportunity to get up and go wherever we choose.

57 – Universal Truths – Recognizing things like Life, love, expansion, consciousness, energy, atoms and our ability to create.

58 – Mastermind Groups – For people who believe in what you are doing and are willing to share their insights, successes and failures, with the hope that you’ll achieve greater results.

59 – Upbringing – For our childhood (even if it was less than perfect). We all had to grow up somewhere. If you’re reading this, you’ve made it quite a long way in life. Keep going, the best of you is yet to come.

60 – Acts of Peace, Kindness and Compassion – For random acts of kindness, great acts of peace in the face of oppression and incredible acts of compassion in the midst of hatred, jealousy and evil.

61 – Power of the People – For the ability of us, you and I, to come together and truly make a difference in our world.

62 – Inner Freedom – Our ability to recognize our inherent freedom we’ve had since our first breath on this planet.

63 – Fears, Worries and Doubts – For all those things that limit us, embracing them and using them to catapult us into greater areas of life.

64 – Natives and Indigenous Peoples – For the incredible cultures, people and tribes who’ve walked this Earth for thousands and thousands of years. For the wisdom they’ve passed down which we can embrace and uncover new realms within.

65 – You – For the Life which fills you, your precious time and energy, your presence which blesses us all.

66 – Life – For the One Energy, the One Life, the One that empowers and fills all things .


Focus on two of these each day. If you find yourself being pulled off track, refer back to this list and empower yourself with gratitude from the inside out.

You are it. (As am I and everyone and everything else).

(Three Key Tweet)


Is there anything else you can think of that we should be grateful for?


Thank you for being you.

You are a valuable piece to this planet we are upon.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life




66 Things to be Grateful For Photo Credit: JFXie via photopin cc
Gratitude Post: 66 Things to be Grateful For
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